Guidelines for our time together

Responsibility is shared for the quality of experience.​

  • Encourage yourself to speak. Speak your own experience.  Use “I” statements.​

  • Give space for others to speak, (giving BIPOC the opportunity to speak first)​

  • Listen with attention, without interrupting. ​

  • Listen for understanding, not debate; believe the lived experiences of others.​

  • Pause between speakers, giving weight to the previous voice. Write first. Speak later.​

  • Embrace discomfort & feedback.  Receive the “ouches” of others.  ​

  • Acknowledge your “oops.” Notice the difference between your intention & impact. ​

  • To pass is always an option.​

  • Remember to speak appreciations.​

We hold all stories and personal material in confidentiality.​

"With these Guidelines, we intend our time together to be,​ a sharing and listening from the heart with the intent to learn and un-learn about ourselves, others, AND the System of Racism in which we live." ​~Toni Lovaglia, 2017​

Note: These guidelines were built on the shoulders of the Racial Equity Coalition and Christina Baldwin's the Circle Way.  ​

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