Responsibility is shared for the quality of experience.
Encourage yourself to speak. Speak your own experience. Use “I” statements.
Give space for others to speak, (giving BIPOC the opportunity to speak first)
Listen with attention, without interrupting.
Listen for understanding, not debate; believe the lived experiences of others.
Pause between speakers, giving weight to the previous voice. Write first. Speak later.
Embrace discomfort & feedback. Receive the “ouches” of others.
Acknowledge your “oops.” Notice the difference between your intention & impact.
To pass is always an option.
Remember to speak appreciations.
We hold all stories and personal material in confidentiality.
"With these Guidelines, we intend our time together to be, a sharing and listening from the heart with the intent to learn and un-learn about ourselves, others, AND the System of Racism in which we live." ~Toni Lovaglia, 2017
Note: These guidelines were built on the shoulders of the Racial Equity Coalition and Christina Baldwin's the Circle Way.
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