A Grassroots Community Offering​​ for
White Folks Becoming White Aware – A First Step in Dismantling Racism

We are on the land of the Shasta, Takelma, Latgawa, and many other recognized and unrecognized tribes who have had living relationships with the Southern Oregon region from 'time out of mind' to now. These Tribes remain displaced since their forceful removal by Euro-American colonizers beginning in the 19th century. Let this be a reminder for us to continue dismantling the systems of oppression that have dispossessed Indigenous people of their lands and denied their rights to self-determination, encouraging the return of all that was stolen from the original Peoples.

Learn more

Do you identify as white, on a path to being an anti-racist?

Is it time to unravel this thing inside you, all around you, called "whiteness?"​

Are you ready to push through racial discomfort and act to interrupt racism in the community?

You are in the right place to find resources.

Our gatherings are on an indefinite pause.

Contact Us

Email us with questions, comments or curiosities dwlearningspace@gmail.com

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